Posted: Wed 1st Nov 2023

Unprovoked knife attack in Chester leads to six-year jail term and 20 year city ban

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Wednesday, Nov 1st, 2023

A man who slashed another man across the face with a knife in Chester City Centre has been jailed.

Falez Hamed appeared at Chester Crown Court on Friday 27 October where he was sentenced to six years in prison, plus an extended four years on licence.

The 25-year-old, of no fixed abode, Chester, had previously pleaded guilty to section 18 assault (wounding with intent) and possession of a bladed article.

The charges related to an incident in Chester city centre shortly after 3am on Sunday 13 August.

The victim, a 32-year-old man, and his partner, a 30-year-old woman, had been out socialising in the city. As they were walking along Bridge Street, they were approached by Hamed who touched the woman’s arm.

Following a short verbal altercation, Hamed then slashed the victim across the face with a lock knife, leaving him with a five-inch wound across his face.

The incident was reported to officers on patrol in the city who quickly located and arrested Hamed.

Detective Constable Andrew Manson of Chester CID, who led the investigation, said:

“This was a totally unprovoked attack which left the victim with a significant wound on his face, which is likely to impact him for the rests of his life.

“Following his arrest, Hamed refused to answer any questions, but thanks to the evidence we gathered he had no option but to plead guilty to the charges.

“I hope that his conviction and the significant sentence handed to him will provide some closure to the victim and allow them to move forward.”

In addition to his custodial sentence, Hamed has also been banned from entering Chester for the next 20 years.

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