Posted: Wed 6th Jul 2022

Simon Hart resigns as Secretary of State for Wales

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Wednesday, Jul 6th, 2022

Simon Hart has become the latest minister to resign from Boris Johnson’s cabinet leaving his role as Secretary of State for Wales.

The MP for Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire was among a group of cabinet members who, it is reported, had earlier urged Boris Johnson to quit.

In his resignation letter to the prime minister, Hart wrote: “I had desperately hoped that I could avoid writing this letter, but alas there seems no other option left but to step down from my role as Secretary of State for Wales.”

“You will be remembered as a Prime Minister with energy, vision, determination and humour.”

“There was never a dull moment as a Minister in your Government, and I will be forever grateful to have been given the chance to be part of it.”

“I have never been a massive fan of Ministerial resignations being the best means of forcing change. Colleagues have done their upmost [sic] in private and public to help you turn the ship around, but it is with sadness that I feel we have passed the point where this is possible.”

Hart is the fourth Welsh MP to resign from the UK government after Virginia Crosbie, James Davies and Craig Williams.

Vale of Clwyd MP Dr James Davies resigned as PPS in the Department of Health and Social Care.

In his letter to Johnson, he wrote: “I have strived to offer you my loyalty but regrettably it is clear that the party and the country are no longer governable under your tenure.”

“Integrity and trust must be central to all that we do, but increasingly it has been impossible to defend you in the face of the damaging allegations and perceptions that exist.”

“I am greatly saddened by these circumstances. I convey my sincere gratitude for having been given the opportunity to contribute to the workings of government, albeit in a small way.”



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