Posted: Mon 15th Aug 2022

John Summers: New partnerships and appeal for support from ‘Guardians’ of £5.2m clocktower project

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Monday, Aug 15th, 2022

Time will not stand still for the hard-working team behind a £5.2m clock tower redevelopment.

Ahead of another spectacular community fun day, to be held on Saturday September 17, Enbarr Foundation director Vicki Roskams and the ‘Guardians’ of the Grade II-listed John Summers Clock Tower in Deeside revealed big plans for the rest of the year.

In addition to a new partnership with Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) and Innovation UK and burgeoning links with Coleg Cambria, they are welcoming businesses from across the region to support vital work on the basement of the former Tata Steel HQ.

As well as trades to support with essential roof repairs, Vicki is also calling for painters and decorators to get in touch and help take the project to the next level.

Vicki Roskams (right) and volunteer

“Whilst we appreciate there may be a cost involved for their skills, Travis Perkins has kindly donated all of the materials and equipment to help us to keep the cost down,” she said.

“Clwyd Alyn has kindly volunteered some time and made great headway with mist-coating of the new plaster, but we now need people to help us complete the work before the electrical team begin installations that will bring this iconic site back to life.

“We also have the team at Openreach helping to get us online so we can support the community with digital skills and provide free access to computers and guidance for those on low income or in need of support, which will be provided by Digital Communities Wales.”

Vicki added: “As well as local companies and third sector organisations giving their time and materials, we’ve also had learners from Cambria get involved with refurbishment of windows and doors and have a new two-year relationship with LJMU, focused on social value and innovation.

“We’re very excited about that and will be drawing up a blueprint using the Clock Tower as a beacon of best practice others can use to transform their communities.”

The fun day will feature activities with the Armed Forces and incredible garden displays designed by members of the public after the ‘Guardians’ appealed for schools, artists, horticulturalists, and anyone with imaginative concepts to brighten up the area, having received funding to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Grade II-listed John Summers Clock Tower before restoration work began

“The response we had was incredible, with so many brilliant submissions for our legacy campaign,” said Vicki.

“Among them are a magnificent wooden sculpture by renowned craftsman Simon O’Rourke, and a dragon centrepiece created by chainsaw artist Rob Dalton, and other Welsh and British-themed botanical and floral presentations which will look amazing.”

She added: “Ultimately, our focus in the coming months is laying the foundations for real progress in 2023, with more organisations coming on board to help get this epic project over the line.

“It’s a labour of love for us all and has brought so many people together with one common goal, to bring the site back to its former glory.

“And just as importantly, we are uniting education with business, training and skills, giving hope to future generations – thank you to everyone who has been with us on this journey.”

To support the Clock Tower development, email or visit the Guardians of the Clock Tower Facebook page.

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