Posted: Thu 7th Jan 2021

Warning over phoney text messages telling people ‘your’ eligible to apply for your vaccine

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Thursday, Jan 7th, 2021

Scam text messages telling people they are now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine are reported to be circulating

The Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) has said it has received evidence of fraudulent messages sent to the public informing them that a dose of the new COVID-19 vaccine is available to them.

People are being sent a text message claiming to be from the NHS which informs the recipient that, “we have identified that your [sic].”

The message ends with a link to a bogus website mocked up to look like a legitimate NHS platform.

The website requests personal details, including name and address.

Most concerningly it asks for banking details, supposedly for verification. 

This is the latest in a series of scams themed around the pandemic in circulation since last March. CTSI has said

With the UK vaccine rollout underway, scammers have modified their scam to consider this new development.

The phoney messages were first reported at the end of December by people living on the Western Isles of Scotland.

The NHS on the Isles has since issued a warning to the public that “Health Boards will never ask for any details about your bank account.”

This scam is by no means limited to the region, and people throughout the UK are warned that they may receive similar messages. 

Katherine Hart, Lead Officer at CTSI, said: “I have been tracking and warning the public about COVID-19-related scams since the beginning of the pandemic, and at every stage of response, unscrupulous individuals have modified their campaigns to defraud the public.”

“The vaccine brings great hope for an end to the pandemic and lockdowns, but some only wish to create even further misery by defrauding others. The NHS will never ask you for banking details, passwords, or PIN numbers and these should serve as instant red flags.”

“Do not provide any information to the scammers, but please also report suspicious messages to Action Fraud, or if in Scotland, Police Scotland, as this provides intelligence and assists authorities in combating scams.”

To report scams, contact Action Fraud

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