Posted: Fri 14th May 2021

New Education Minister to deliver “hugely ambitious agenda” including biggest ever catch-up programme in schools

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Friday, May 14th, 2021

Jeremy Miles has become Wales’ new minister for education following first minister Mark Drakeford’s cabinet reshuffle on Thursday.

He takes over from former Welsh Liberal Democrat Senedd member Kirsty Williams who announced last year she was to step down at the Senedd election.

She said she was “looking forward to spending more time with my family.”

Miles will be overseeing a “hugely ambitious agenda” which includes the introduction of Wales’ new curriculum.

He will also be at the helm of the biggest ever catch-up programme in schools following the Covid-19 pandemic.

A school leaders union has said it hopes the new education minister “will make working with the profession his top priority.”

Laura Doel, director of the school leaders’ union NAHT Cymru, said: “With the new education minister for Wales in post, now is the time to talk with NAHT Cymru about addressing the key issues facing our schools and children.”

“We urge the minister and every Senedd member to focus on NAHT Cymru’s manifesto priorities of wellbeing, funding, accountability, curriculum reform and additional learning needs (ALN).

“We hope the new minister will make working with the profession his top priority, and sit down with the trade unions as soon as possible to discuss covid recovery and the education reform agenda.

“The profession cannot be held to a pre-covid timeline for the new curriculum and ALN reform, when recovery and the wellbeing of learners and staff must take centre stage. We are all keen to embark on the reform journey, but we must be in the right place if it is to be successful.”

Kerina Hanson, president of NAHT Cymru, said: “NAHT Cymru keeps children and education at the heart of everything we do, and we expect our elected Senedd members to do the same, led by the Government and the new minister for education.”

“Now’s the time for the new minister and Government to show their commitment to #NAHTCymruPledge and support the experts in our schools by adopting our priorities for the future of education in Wales.”

Following the announcement of his news cabinet,  Mark Drakeford said: “The new Cabinet is ready to get to work to set Wales on the path to recovery out of this long pandemic, which has cast such a shadow over all our lives.

“There will be challenges ahead of us – the pandemic is a public health and economic emergency with long-lasting impacts on all our lives – but this is a talented and committed team, determined to make a positive difference to Wales and for Wales.

“We will use all our efforts and energies to create a stronger, fairer and greener Wales, where no one is held back or left behind.”

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