Posted: Fri 25th Dec 2020

Merry Christmas everyone, It’s been a difficult one for all of us, ‘there is hope’ but for now, please stay safe

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Friday, Dec 25th, 2020

It seemed 2020 could not really get any worse, but a new strain of Covid and soaring rates of infection across Wales has meant the Christmas we may have had planned a few weeks ago has been cut short.

The five-day festive grace period is down to just one with clear guidance in place on how many people can meet on Christmas Day, who’d have thought that 12 months ago?

No indoor gatherings, pubs and restaurants closed, shops restricted to essential goods, measures that will be in place for into January and possibly beyond.

In his Christmas message, Wales first minister has said things look bleak at the moment, “but there is hope.”

This year has been a difficult one for all of us.

The coronavirus pandemic has affected everybody’s life.

Plans have been turned upside down and far too many families are having to deal with the loss of a loved one. My thoughts are with every single one of you.

The pandemic has taken another turn for the worse.

A new, highly-infectious strain of the virus has been identified.

It is here in Wales and spreading quickly.

We have had to make some tough decisions and ask everyone to once again stay at home to save lives.

The situation in Wales is very serious.

This is not the way we hoped to spend Christmas.

For many families who won’t be able to see each other this year, this will seem incredibly difficult.

Right across the country, difficult phone calls are being made. There will be sadness. But, it is the right thing to do.

This is a cruel virus. It challenges every one of us because it thrives on our normal human behaviour.

Together we have endured so much this year.

But throughout this year, our generosity, kindness and community spirit has shone through.

This Christmas, more than any other, let’s reach out to those we know are alone, or bereaved, or worried about the future.

I want to say a few words of thanks to our critical workers – to our incredible NHS, our carers, shop workers and the many, many others – who have worked so hard this year and done so much to keep this country moving throughout the pandemic.

They will once again this Christmas, shoulder the responsibility as the majority stay home.

On behalf of the whole of Wales, I thank you.

I know things look bleak at the moment, but there is hope.

More people are being vaccinated every day and we hope there’s another vaccine around the corner.

Please, stay safe. Take care of one another. Have a peaceful Christmas. Nadolig Llawen.

It will be a difficult for our most vulnerable residents, people living alone and those who have been identified as Clinically Extremely Vulnerable, particularly over the Christmas and New Year period.

Flintshire Council has said: “We want to take this opportunity to remind you how we can help during this time to ensure you stay safe and are receiving the care and support you need.

Our friendly team will talk to you about the help we can provide. We can arrange for food and medicine to be delivered to your home and keep you in touch with people.

We have already helped members of our community and this has really supported them to keep safe and follow the advice given by Welsh Government. Please keep safe and continue to follow the advice you have been given.”

Useful contact details

Adult Services Single Point of Access (SPOA) – 03000 858858 or
Flintshire County Council Contact Centre – 01352 752121
Flintshire Family Information Service: e-mail: (for Family Information Service enquiries only)


The Samaritans are available to talk via email, phone or online chat –

Free confidential emotional support by phone or text available now. So when you are ready to talk: ring 0800 132737 text “help” to 81066 or visit:



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