Posted: Thu 9th May 2019

81 year old Flintshire woman took her own life after her pension was wrongly stopped

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Thursday, May 9th, 2019

Delyn MP David Hanson has called for an urgent review after an inquest found an 81-year-old Flintshire woman took her own life when her pension was wrongly stopped.

Joy Worrall was left with just £5 to her name after her pension payments were stopped by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

The pensioner from Rhes-y-Cae – which lies between Pentre Halkyn and Rhosesmor – was found dead in a quarry near her home in November last year.

Her son Ben told Ruthin Coroners’ Court the family had discovered after her death her pension had been stopped.

Mr Worrall told the inquest his mother was reluctant to talk about her problems, but had previously stated if she was ever in ill health or in financial difficulty she would “throw herself off the quarry”.

“My mother felt she couldn’t discuss her finances with anyone,” he said.’ reports the BBC.

Joy had received an inheritance in 2014 and notified the DWP about it, in 2017 her pension was “re-assessed”.

Instead of only stopping her pension credits, the DWP also froze Joy’s ordinary state pension “due to an administrative error”.

Joy relied on £5000 savings until they had been exhausted and she was down to her last £5.

The pensioner was last seen leaving her home address in Rhes Y Cae just after 4pm on November 21st last year.

A large scale search was launched involving the police, North East Wales Search and rescue team and members of the public, Joy’s body was found by a search team the following morning. 

Her cause of death was given as multiple major traumatic injuries due to a fall from height.

Coroner John Gittins recorded a verdict of suicide.

‘The inquest heard there was no record of any correspondence from Mrs Worrall to the DWP about the matter.’ The BBC report states.

Following the hearing, Mr Worrall said: “I feel as though there was a duty of care that was not fully carried out as it should’ve been, causing her to be in a situation where the only course of action was to end her life, which is a disgrace really.” The BBC report goes on to states. 

Delyn MP David Hanson MP has asked the DWP to urgently review the verdict on Ms Worrall’s death

Mr Hanson said: “I’ve been contacted previously by the family prior to the inquest.

This is a deeply distressing case and I have been in contact with the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Amber Rudd MP.

The UK Government should do all that is within its power to ensure that no one else suffers such as terrible and tragic loss as the Worrall family have.

I have requested an investigation into Ms. Worrall’s death and will continue to work with the family to support them in this time of grief and sadness.”

A DWP spokesman said: “Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Mrs Worrall.

We apologise unreservedly to Mrs Worrall’s family for the error that led to her pension payments being stopped and pledge to learn the lessons.”


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